Evaluate your practice requirements
Blueprint for implementation
Evaluate current & future function requirements
Evaluate current & future workflow processes
Select EHR & equipment
Implementation and training
Post deployment

Patient workflow begins at your web site and is the most vital port of entry into your practice. The importance of your web site cannot be overstated both in terms of attracting patients and office workflow. Make sure you have enough information on your web site for a patient to make an informed decision to come to your practice without calling your office. This reduces your front office workload significantly.
My practice web site gives me an unfair business advantage. I'm amazed at how few practices get this concept. Check out www.PlanoEye.com
Evaluate functional requirements
Practice Management
Patient surveys
Online reviews
post to social media
post to web site
Preference based communications
text, email, phone, mobile
Frame inventory online
recall list print
Online scheduling
eSchedule vs request
auto write to scheduler vs
manual write to scheduler
insurance information
appt list print
time increments
drag & drop
cut & paste
next appt
resource based
day, week, mo views
multi-location view
appt type colors/icons
contacts order ready
spectacle order ready
online registration prior to appt
Patient Portal
Optical Rx's
Online payments
Medical records
Visit summary
Medical history
Secure messaging
Secure text
HIPPA support
Online registration
Insurance information
Secure patient messaging
Secure patient texting
Into office messaging
Marketing support
patient referrals
provider referrals
referral source
general ledger
lab order posting
EHR exam posting
online payments
co-pay pre-payments
balance transfers
patient ~ patient
insurance ~ insurance
primary ~ secondary
patient ~ insurance
eVision claims
eMedical claims
ERA posting (electronic remittance)
EOB posting
RCM (revenue cycle management)
eProduct catalogs
spectacle lenses
bar code support
list of frames sold
list of inventory (cost & retail)
web site integration
day sheets
fee slip audits
production reports
marketing list support
Rx range
Third party integrations
4Patient Care
EyeCare Prime-Nexus (Web systems3)
Solution Reach
The Edge/Pro
Government compliant
MIPS-no extra clicks for MIPS
secure messaging (provider & patient)
CCD communications (future mandate)
audit compliant
no exam cloning
automated orders
automated I&R and op notes
Auto documentation of
interpretation & reports
operative notes
provider letters
push document to text
patient visit summary
push to patient portal
CCD (government compliant documents)
push to other EHRs
push to patient portal
Product catalogs for all CL parameters
digital refraction interface
keratometry w/ copy forward
push Rx's to:
patient portal
lab orders (before, during, after exam finalized)
product catalog with all Rx configurations
Hybrid-Synergeyes products
Soft contact lens database
private label support
specialty custom CL all parameter support
soft, RGP & Scleral
sphere w/ multifocal, toric, aspheric
multifocal w/ sphere, toric, aspheric
copy to functionality (bi-directional)
OD to OS
multiple refractions - each w/ custom label
auto refraction
final spectacle
alternate spectacle
trial contact lens
final contact lens
alternate contact lens
CL support
lens rotation
lens fit
over refraction
Care and wearing schedule
refraction history view in exam
prism, pinhole, glare & pd support
Exam features
header w/ exam type and:
multiple other providers (specialty labeled)
location, provider, technician (editable)
chief complaint w/ HPI (status/quality/severity)
system & user defined complaints/problems
history; view, update/copy forward
PFSH/ROS/Lifestyle-integrated online
allergies with update/copy forward
medications-one click entry from eRx all provider meds
prelim tests-the usual plus:
BP, pulse, temperature, respiration
pulse oximetry, blood glucose, HbA1c
Screening tests-billable and coded
Optomap, retina, VF, OCT, topography, etc
Other tests-non coded/non-billable
motility, gross VF, color vision, pupils
amsler grid, dry eye, neurological, auscultation
contrast, glare, sinus, staining
low vision, developmental, VT
any other sub specialty care
binocular vision testing w/ change/copy forward
near point fused X cyl, dominance, NPC, NPA
AC/A, aniseikonia, cover test, phoria by type
fusion, NRA/PRA, stereopsis, vergence
user defined tests per exam template
physical exam support to reduce clicks
well vision & problem oriented exam support
well vision design for well exams
all normal selection box
refraction automate assessment/Rx
problem based design-medical exam support
severity based problems selection automates:
findings, assessment, plan, treatment
orders, procedures, special tests
interpretation & reports, op notes
all with only a few clicks
Orders support
perform, schedule, recall, referral for
meds, exams, consults, special tests, surgery
ePrescribing ~ look for comprehensive features
Rx checks
drug-drug, drug allergy, drug disease
drug-pediatric, drug-geriatric
drug formulary w/ pricing information
push to patient; coupons and drug info
insurance interface
ePA (auto prior authorizations)
provider renewal alerts
Google reviews ~ automated!
Automated patient surveys following the exam is critical to updating Google and Yelp reviews. The importance of reputation management cannot be overstated.
Web site design ~ Critical to success
Submit claims day of exam!
Inputing correct demographic and insurance information is vital to getting claims out the same day of exam
It takes less time to input correct information once than inputing and replacing incorrect information later
There is no excuse for bad data!

Selecting the right EHR for your practice is perhaps the single most important decision you will make for your practice. I encourage all physicians to make their decision based on what you need in the exam room rather than what your office staff wants.
Rarely do office staff have the long term picture in mind. It amazes me how many doctors allow their staff to choose their software based on what they want in the PM side. Long after our employees are gone we will still be stuck with their decisions that may not be in the long term intersest of your practice.
Certainly get your associates impressions about the systems your are considering but I encourage you to make the decision on you system selection based on the EHR that best fits the doctors workflow.